Perform actions on groups of properties using this tool.
Make sure to select which properties you want to apply this action on using the table of
properties below.
If there are over 10,000 properties it can take some time to load.
[[selectedRows.length]] Selected / [[bills.length]] Bill(s)
Perform actions on groups of properties using this tool.
Make sure to select which properties you want to apply this action on using the table of properties below.
If there are over 10,000 properties it can take some time to load.
Loading all matching properties... this can take a while if there are over 10,000 properties...
Generate assessment(s) for [[year]] (year) parcels
Certify assessment(s) for [[year]] (year) parcels
Generate appeal form(s) for [[year]] (year) appeals
Generate appeal case(s) for [[year]] (year) parcels
Generate default evidence PDFs for selected Appeal Case(s) for [[year]] (year) appeals
Will select the most recent appeal case created of X type for each appeal - if there is no case found, nothing will change.
Generate recent sale pdfs(s) for [[year]] (year) appeals that have recent sale cases.
Download [[year]] Appeal Files for these properties.
Update [[year]] Appeal Statuses for these properties.
Generate [[year]] eSigns - will group by the signer (e.g. amherst requests will maybe make multiple eSigns for Joe Gatti and Vicky Husband).
Assign Appeals
Assign Appeals to TaxProper for Year [[year]]
Add Parcels to Research Task
This will add the selected parcels to the selected research task. It will not remove the parcel from any existing tasks that they are in.
Assign Tax Districts To Parcels
Blank values will not be filled in (and will not overwrite existing values).
Create [[numberOfBills]] bill(s).